Tuesday 15 January 2008

Recommended reading

Indigo [rdautumnsage] has written a hard-hitting entry about abuse within families. Think we should all read it, because one of the lessons from her story is that signs of abuse are obvious to those in the vicinity. If no action is taken, the consequences can be fatal.


  1. I never miss Raven's entries.  They are nothing less than moving and informing. Our childhoods were very similar and we've got alot in common.  She expresses herself so well.  What angers me the most, about my childhood and hers were people knew and we knew they knew.  We waited and hoped for help from somebody; anybody, and help never came.  Then one day we were grown.


  2. I always read Indige Guido she is so insprational I couldn't miss.Thankyou for the alert up anyway.As aol are not always on the ball.Thanx a million.Have a good day Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand http://jounrals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLRHYMES

  3. Thanks for the heads up hon. I can only hope people get the message and actively work for a better world for abused children. (Hugs) Indigo
